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 IndexOur GalaxyInterstellar mediumInterstellar gas
Interstellar Gas by Nick Strobel
Some facts.
Interstellar Gas Movie at UNH
Some interesting information with illustrations and animations.
Space Research Institute (IKI). Experiment Neutral-E.
Description of the astrophysical experiment "Neutral-E". The method of the experiment. Realization of the experiment. Illustrations.
Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) Experiments
Experiment Description.
Interstellar Gas Clouds
Some facts.
The Interstellar Medium, Part III, the Neutral Gas
Article by Wesley Colley.
The Interstellar Medium
Interstellar gas information from the University of Tennessee's Dept. Physics & Astronomy.
Observations of interstellar molecules
An article by Albert Nummelin on properties of molecules in space.
The Gas between the Stars
A Scientific American article.
Astronomy course notes by Dr. Christian Kaiser from the University of Southampton.
Interstellar gas in a globular? - Astronomy Magazine article
Astronomers have detected what may be the first interstellar gas ever found in a globular cluster. However, the amount of gas falls far short of theoretical predictions.
Gas in Galaxies
A webpage by Dr. William C. Keel of the University of Alabama.
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